May 30, 2022

21 Ways to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly


Are you thinking of ways you can make your home more eco-friendly? Small actions can make a big difference. Here are 21 ways to make more Earth-conscious choices in your home!

In the functionality:

  1. Insulation – make sure your home is well insulated and that any gaps in door seals, windows, etc. are addressed. This will help keep the air in and prevent your air system from wasting energy.
  2. Install energy efficient windows and doors – On the same note as insulation, installing energy efficient windows and doors help to reduce your energy usage.
  3. Fix leaks, cracks, etc – pesky faucet drips, cracks, leaks, and more can have a big impact on draining your resources. While some repairs may seem small, they’re worth taking care of!
  4. Renewable energy – renewable energy sources look different all over the world. You can have your own renewable energy from home with solar panels. You may even qualify for grants or rebates dependent on where you live.

In your kitchen:

  1. Use energy efficient appliances – save on your energy bill and help save the planet’s resources! Using energy efficient appliances gets the job done with less electricity.
  2. Switch out single use products for re-usable ones – try swapping your paper towels for cloth towels, paper plates for ceramic or bamboo plates, or cling wrap for beeswax wrap.
  3. Clean your appliances - did you know your fridge coils need to be cleaned? Or that your dishwasher has a filter that needs to be cleaned? How about that your drain in your washing machine? When was the last time to had your dryer vent cleaned? Not only can these un-serviced appliances drain energy but they can be health and safety hazards as well.

In your laundry room:

  1. Dryer balls – did you know that using dryer balls can reduce your drying time, thus also reducing energy usage? Bonus tip: consider soap nuts, concentrated detergent, and other eco swaps when updating your laundry routine
  2. Hang dry – go from low energy to no energy by hang drying clothing, linens, etc.
  3. Energy efficient washer/dryer - just like in your kitchen, your laundry room appliances have energy efficient options.

In your bathroom:

  1. Install low flow shower heads – low flow showerheads can reduce your water usage and still provide the water pressure you’re accustomed to. This helps reduce drinkable water waste.

In your yard:

  1. Recycling and compost – it seems like we’ve heard “reduce, reuse, recycle” for ages. While reducing and reusing are the best ways to be more eco-friendly, recycling is important too. Check out what recycling and composting programs are available in your area. Or try composting at home!
  2. Plant a garden/support local – what if fresh fruits, veggies, and herbs were right outside your door? Try planting a garden! Many of your everyday staples are easy to plant straight from your food scraps. Even small spaces have solutions for gardening these days. An alternative to growing at home is to purchase from local farms at places like the farmers market, direct from the farm, or local retailers.
  3. Grow plants, inside and outside – indoor plants can improve the air quality in your home and native outdoor plants can support your local ecosystem. Bonus tip: trees and bushes can provide natural privacy and shade.

In the rest of your home:

  1. Swap out regular bulbs with LEDs – LED bulbs last longer, use less energy, and can shine brighter.
  2. Online bill pay – go paperless with your bills! Most servicers have the option for paperless billing and online bill pay.
  3. Bamboo – look for bamboo options in lieu of products that come from trees. From your flooring to paper towels, there are bamboo options for you! Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world, it’s durable, has many uses, and has a low impact on the environment when harvested.
  4. Opt for refurbished, second-hand, or ethically sourced/made furniture – it’s tempting to purchase new when it’s cheap. Before you purchase, ask yourself “Will this end up in the landfill in the next 5-10 years?”  If the answer is yes, look for something higher quality that will last a longer time, a second-hand/refurbished option, or opt for a more ethical option that has a smaller footprint.
  5. Blinds and blackout curtains – utilize natural light over electricity when you can. On that same note, try blackout curtains to keep from heat/air from escaping when you’re not using natural light.
  6. Reusable bags – did you know that most plastic bags aren’t recyclable? We all have a bag full of plastic bags from the store. They take up space in our homes and if they aren’t re-used they are a big polluter. Grab some reusable bags and use those when possible.
  7. Smart thermostat – this is another great way to reduce energy usage. Your smart home can definitely be a smart choice in becoming more eco-friendly!

Of course, there are more lifestyle changes you can make that aren’t property related. Follow us on social media and let us know your favorite way to make your home more eco-friendly!